Tuesday, 12 February 2013

An enjoyable piece of information

It earns more in one day than I earned the entire time working at the Lloyd.

That means early wake ups, kids birthday parties, ungrateful parents, biased tipping of staff, driving to and from work, driving to useless training days, being told what to do by only-days-older-than-me pmsing women and missing out on seeing my friends and playing video games. Being told that I should apologize to people who aren't worth the shit on my shoe. Being controlled by men who are one step above and power hungry, without one order of which I wasn't told to "use some initiative," with their disgusting condescending tone.

One day.

No early wake up.
No cunty bossy women.
No petrol costs.
No barriers and membership quarrels.
No hierarchy.

Just pure self-fulfillment, freedom and a splash of discipline.

I'd call that progress.