It is a place centered, or at the very least, themed towards living for God.
Despite accusing them of not being fully capable, they still claim to see the beauty of the world around them to it's maximum extent.
This can't be true. It can't.
That feeling that they get when a relative dies, or when a new one is born, is one that centers around looking up to the Lord Almighty.
They don't consider for a second that they will never see that person again, whose body and everything they ever were has now begun its transformation to nothingness, and its transference to the new six foot deep home it now inhabits.
The beauty of evolution, and the explosion of the universe those 14 billion years ago that allowed it to happen, has meant that an unbroken chain of atoms, particles and the hopefully enjoyable frequent line of ejaculations has taken place to create you. For the last 100-200 thousand years humans have walked the Earth, progressing constantly until this stage. From its early ancestors, who could neither speak nor create fire, we have formed into a society of strong family values, close friendships, and have still kept the desire to better our lives.
That randomness, that crazy yet trusted idea that everything has fallen into place the way it has, is genuinely and inconceivably awesome. It could have happened an immeasurable amount of other ways. But it didn't. It is the reason you have a mother, a father, a brother, who has held you, laughed with you, cried with you. A person who has shared those most intimate moments with you, through tough times and prosperous moments.
To incorporate God into that randomness trivializes it, and to go even further and say that evolution wasn't the case is a disgrace to the Universe around you. It is because of evolution, that I am no longer swinging from the trees, and am capable of human thought, and perhaps more importantly, human communication.
A communication that allows me to fucking embrace my brother, father, mother, friends, and say.
I fucking love you. You are my reasons to be. My reasons to prosper. My reasons to love, to laugh and to cry. (And also the reason I am cocking up my moisturizer right now. Damn onions.) I cherish every fucking moment with you. And I have that ability, thanks to the 2 billion years of life on this planet, and the 12 billion preceding it that allowed it to occur. The lucky ones of us get 80 years. Precious doesn't even begin to describe each of those years. And for approximately 78 of them we have the ability that no other species has. We can look a family member dead in the eye, and say these things which we think so deeply with our
So you go and credit it to your God/idol/half naked man on a cross, but I know how fucking improbable it is, and how incredible it is. And that just makes me
That's not fair. Why is that when you're happy it comes out of one place, but when you cry it comes out of two places: eyes and nose. That's two separate things entirely. Stop it. You're making a mess of the keyboard, and my phone. No. Now I have to get a tissue. Damn. One sec, clean up. Aaand we're good.
To say that I love you 'more than words' would only serve to contradict my point. If I could hug you right now I would. But that's all I get. And use them I shall.
They aren't said enough.